7FFM alumni Oct-Dec 2024 – $3333

Ready to Scale Smarter, not Harder? To double your recurring income? To add an extra income stream that brings daily payment notifications on autopilot whether you're actively launching or not?
This 12-week immersion is for you.

To be completely honest... 

You should be making way more and you know it – and the reason you aren't right now, isn't as complicated as you think.

Doubling your income is right around the corner when you:
- Know how to nurture your community so they're ready to buy the second you drop a new offer
- Know how to make ALL of your offers sell on autopilot without a single sales call or DM conversation
- Know how to intentionally position offers so clients stay in your world long term 

And this is exactly what I teach you to do in the 7-Figure Freedom Method.

7FFM is the program where you will learn how to double your income through getting hundreds more in your group offers, increasing your recurring revenue, and having an offer suite that means clients keep buying from you the moment they find you.

What you’ll learn:
👉🏼 How to create or update offers that create mind blowing transformations, are irresistible af and your audience can’t stop buying 
👉🏼 How to double your income without having to add more calls
👉🏼 How to structure your offer suite so clients continue to upgrade and stay long term 
👉🏼 How to stack income so each month's recurring revenue starts higher and higher not even counting any new sales that come in
👉🏼 How to create events that effortlessly sell out your offers
...and so much more!

 This is for you if: 
👉 You're ready to create easy and effortless 6-figure months for your business. You've worked your 🍑 off to create the incredible foundation you already have, my proven system? Will take it to the next level with ease.
👉 You're ready to take your business from 'good' to truly EXTRAORDINARY (it's been a minute since your last big win)
👉 You're at a stage in biz where you're ready to take more things OFF your plate & schedule rather than adding more 
👉 You have 8 figure goals, ambitions and dreams that will change the planet and you know making it happen is inevitable 

You got into your business because you LOVE doing your life changing work and somewhere down the line you realized how important the marketing, messaging and sales are... let me help you get really good at that part so that your client work gets to be super fun because you’re enrolling dream clients!

This is big. It's bold. And it's the key to unlocking your next level of unlimited abundance, impact and freedom.

Why Mariah?
I've reverse engineered EXACTLY how I built a multi million dollar business in 3 years while traveling full time by following intuition infused strategy in a way that doesn't make sense to most. 

It's the same secret sauce I've used to help many friends, healers, coaches, and practitioners go from 'good' income or ready to throw in the towel to consistent $50-100k months with ease. 💜

What kind of results can you expect? 
While results will depend on the level to which you (or your team) shows up and implement what I share in this program here is what some of my past clients have experienced:
💜 What seemed like an overwhelming task at first ended up being incredibly exciting and fulfilling and planted the seed for what would soon be a mil/ion dol/ar business! – J
💜 Before working with Mariah, we felt really overwhelmed. Immediately we could feel Mariah’s genuine energy, she broke everything down in a way that was really digestible and helped us feel really clear about where we were going and what our next steps were. Our very first launch was a complete success! Mariah goes above and beyond, she’ll do everything she can to help you, it’s a phenomenal experience. We highly recommend Mariah, she’s incredible. – C & J
💜 Mariah is a freaking unicorn in the online marketing industry! A couple months into working together, I received a spontaneous check for $16k that had been available for over a year and had been waiting for me to energetically shift into receiving it! She has pushed me beyond the limitations of my own programming and thought processes to believe in myself and really know that so much more is possible for me too! – L

Are you ready to be the next success story? Whatcha waiting for!?

By joining this 7FFM Alumni Upgrade you receive:

  • 6 live implementation calls with Mariah between Oct-Dec 2024 ($4,444+ value)
  • Access to 6 transformational pre-recorded modules for life including all updates I make as I find easier ways to run your biz ($6,777 value)
  • Practical guides, templates and swipe files to make implementing this into YOUR unique biz efficient af ($2,555 value)
  • Exclusive members only community with Mariah OFF social media ($3,333 value)
  • BONUS 6-figure email sequence templates ($1,111+ value)
  • BONUS content creation + repurposing schedule to make launching 10x easier ($555 value)
  • BONUS 7 figure sales page template ($1,555 value)
  • BONUS profitable retreat template ($3,333 value)
  • BONUS getting paid daily visualization ($111 value)

TOTAL VALUE: $23,774

  PAYMENT PLAN: https://www.mariahanne.com/offers/U2oDmM9o

*UPGRADE: Are you an ALL IN leader who wants an even more customized experience? This VIP upgrade is for you! VIP includes 12 weeks of 1:1 telegram chat support with Mariah along with this full program experience. Click here to upgrade. (very limited, only 2 spaces available)

$3,333.00 USD

Add 1:1 telegram support with Mariah Tuesday-Friday (max 2 topics/day) for 12 weeks (usually $6,775)

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