7FFM VIP 12-week Telegram 1:1 Upgrade Bundle

Ready to Scale Smarter, not Harder? To double your recurring income? To add an extra income stream that brings daily payment notifications on autopilot whether you're actively launching or not?
This 12-week immersion is for you.

What you'll receive:

This 12 week immersion is for the established ALL IN healers, coaches and practitioners who want a streamlined, holistic and intuitive path to scale to $100K months and beyond PLUS... be plugged into a room of electrifying expansive leaders for your limitless power and potential as an ambitious spiritual entrepreneur.

Who 7-Figure Freedom Method is For:
🔥  Driven, action-oriented coaches, healers, light-workers, leaders, non-profits and artist who have stabilized 5-6 figure months and are committed to 2024 being your next easeful 7-8 figure year. 
⚡️ You’re an absolute expert at your craft, have countless testimonials and know your work is meant to reach more people without taking more of your time. 
💜  You care deeply about your clients’ experience + transformation in your spaces and are committed to helping them not only see but create and live their highest potential. 
👩‍🏫 You already have a signature program that's supported many students and you’re ready to see that client roster fly into the thousands with so much grace, ease and spaciousness.
📈 You’ve had a hunch that funnels were your next move for a while, maybe even navigated resistance towards them and you have a strong reason why NOW is the time to make it happen. Pre/new-mom era? Worldwide travel? Daily homemade nutritious meals? You’re ready to prioritize the things in your personal life that really matter without sacrificing your monthly income growth.
📞 You know you don’t need a calendar full of 1:1 calls or to be stressed out to create high cash months and are ready to let simple funnels support you in getting there.

What kind of results can you expect? 
While results will depend on the level to which you (or your team) shows up and implement what I share in this program here is what some of my past clients have experienced:

💜 What seemed like an overwhelming task at first ended up being incredibly exciting and fulfilling and planted the seed for what would soon be a mil/ion dol/ar business! – J

💜 Before working with Mariah, we felt really overwhelmed. Immediately we could feel Mariah’s genuine energy, she broke everything down in a way that was really digestible and helped us feel really clear about where we were going and what our next steps were. Our very first launch was a complete success! Mariah goes above and beyond, she’ll do everything she can to help you, it’s a phenomenal experience. We highly recommend Mariah, she’s incredible. – C & J

💜 Mariah is a freaking unicorn in the online marketing industry! A couple months into working together, I received a spontaneous check for $16k that had been available for over a year and had been waiting for me to energetically shift into receiving it! She has pushed me beyond the limitations of my own programming and thought processes to believe in myself and really know that so much more is possible for me too! – L

Are you ready to be my next success story? Whatcha waiting for!?

6 pre-recorded no fluff modules will drop throughout the 12 weeks to move through + implement in your own time:

💸Accelerate into Abundance by nurturing your existing community to build momentum so that they’re ready to buy the second your doors open.
💸Dish up your irresistible appetizer (freebie) to exclusively call in soul mate clients you can create a lasting, impactful transformation for.
💸Message Magic - craft a captivating email sequence that has your audience drooling for how they can pay you next.
💸Micro-Commitments to Macro Wins - make them a no brainer offer to continue in your world so that you can scale with simplicity, while working less and making more money.
💸Secrets to creating your Funnel Fortune - master the art of simple launching and high sales conversions to create $100k months and beyond without working more.
💸Open your Prosperity Portal and enroll clients stress-free while delivering a high-value transformation that feels relaxed, blissful and abundant af for both you and your clients.

BONUS8 Figure Webinar templates (Value: $497)
BONUS: Proven 6-figure email templates used to scale my company to $100k months, ready to plug + play & tailor to your biz. 
(Value: $497)
BONUS: The exact content creation + repurposing schedule for automated community growth & engagement our team has been using for 6 years to bring in an audience of over 200k organically across multiple platforms (no paid ads, ever) & how to tailor it to your biz (Value: $297)
BONUS: My magnetic 7-figure sales page template that will have your “buy now” button click rate exploding and brought in over $1.6M for us in just 3 years since implementing it. (Value: $497)
BONUSChat GPT Secrets to speed up your creation process (Value: $97)
BONUSMillionaire Mindset Visualization (Value: $97)
BONUSMariah's Reading List to Magnetize more $ on repeat (Value: $97)
BONUS: My profitable retreat templates to help you plan and execute a profitable retreat in two hours or less. (Value: $97)
BONUS: Group chat to connect, mastermind and collaborate with ambitious leaders around the world. Occasionally Mariah will pop in here to give additional support as well. (Value: $997)

LIVE implementation calls with Mariah (valued at $4,444), to tailor the material from each module into YOUR business.

TOTAL VALUE: $30,549

  PLUS VIP UPGRADE: 12 weeks of 1:1 telegram chat support for the duration of the program with Mariah to customize the full process to your unique business. (very limited, only 4 spots available)

$6,775.00 USD

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