The Vibrant Alchemist Challenge

A 7 day prosperity portal to alchemize your reality into experiencing the best sex, the biggest bank account, and the most nourishing relationship with food and your body that leads to your most vibrant year yet! 

You know, the most vibrant year where...

💭 taking a quickie break between client calls results in having the hottest, best sex of your life with your absolute dreeeam partner who ticked every single box on your list and more you didn't even think of (for the 5th time this week 💁🏼‍♀️)

💭 looking in the mirror + spending time alone with your own thoughts = fuel to your confidence an power instead of draining it (weighing yourself? not even a thought that crosses your mind anymore)

💭 its June 2025 & you find yourself reflecting back the last year only to realize "oh wow, I didn't get sick ONCE in the last year... epic!" life felt so fulfilling with travel, clients, loved ones and intentional rest you almost didn't even realize your new lifestyle was a natural antioxidant!

💭 you were able to fly all your favorite humans out to an epic airbnb in the dreamiest location for your birthday, covering all their flights + stay without a second thought. Giving back & bringing your community along with your success is such a no brainer.

❤️‍🔥 If you’re having bad sex, I guarantee you’re not making as much $$ as you could be. 

💸 If you’re not making great money, fuelling your body well will be a struggle.

🤧 If it feels like your health is a constant battle, you don’t have the energy to feed your business and relationships the way you know you could be.

🪞 Your health, wealth and relationships are a mirror for one another, always.

♻️ What’s happening in one area is affecting the others in obvious or subtle ways.

Over the next 7 days you’re going to get clear af on where you’ve been crushing it, and where you’ve been dropping the ball + how to shift it immediately to experience the “I get to have it all” life that’s lived exclusively on your vision board for way too long.

After our week together:

  • money will never be the deciding factor of whether or not you do something ever again
  • “OMG I feel so seen + loved by everyone, including myself” will be a daily experience deep in your soul
  • you’ll connect deeply with your intuition and learn how to recognize whether each of your actions contributes or takes away from your physical, spiritual, & emotional health. By recognizing THIS, you’ll learn how to ensure every moment & action is a natural antioxidant… keeping you vibrant, energized & protected from the inside out

When it comes to your life… the better it gets, the better it gets! 

Learn my fun, vibrant, simple af framework that took me from living off cookie dough, noodles, HiiT and overworking (aka burnt tf out) feeling like my dream physique was impossible, struggling to pay rent & sleeping w/ men I knew had no long term potential...

to THRIVING in radiant health (I haven't been sick in years) maintaining my dream physique with ease, madly in love with the sexiest man of my dreams who ticked every box on my list and more, and a millionaire before I turned 30. 🧚🏼‍♀️ 💸

No more settling for anything less than the most VIBRANT experience of life, in every area! YOU HAVE IT EFFING ALL!

In this expansive 7-day challenge, you'll receive:

  • Actionable trainings that get you out of your head and in the present moment + the energetics and why behind it
  • Telegram community space to network with other powerful leaders, accountability, questions, and celebrations

Use these 7 days as a direct IV drip to infuse your life with vibrant abundance in your health, wealth and love.

If you've ever been told you were 'too sensitive'
If you've ever felt like your emotions were a burden
If you've ever wondered if what you're feeling is yours or a clients...

this is going to radically shift the way you see the entire world, & how it impacts your ability to make $$ easily, create deep intimacy in relationships and skyrocket your health higher than it's ever been before - forever.

*this challenge is not exclusively for women & is open to all

$88.00 USD